Friday 3 May 2013

Brimstone and Cherry

Back home from our Mediterranean wanderings and things are looking a bit more 'Spring-like'. The weather has taken a long-awaited turn for the better and, as we expected, the trees and flowers of our local environs have started to catch up with things.  Butterflies too have started to make their presence felt, with Orange Tips, Peacocks and Small Whites flitting about.  Among these, we found a solitary Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) resting on a Narcissus flower.
These butter-coloured butterflies are often considered to be the originators of the name 'Butter-fly'.  They are among the first to appear each Spring and the shape of their folded wings camouflage them very well among the newly opening leaves and flowers.
In the sunshine of the last few days, the Cherry trees have started to open their blossom in spectacular fashion, both white...
...and pink.  This one seeming to be trying to out-blossom it's neighbours - and succeeding with brightly coloured knobs on.
Some trees have, of course yet to open a single leaf and the woods which surround Mapperley Reservoir are still dotted with bare branched individuals.  These look stately and 'artistic' when viewed from directly below, looking into the blue sky.  Quite lovely!


  1. Our cherries are just opening too. Great shot of the sky through the trees!

  2. Thanks again for the kind words.
