Tuesday 16 April 2013


At last, following weeks waiting for Spring to spring, it appears to have suddenly exploded upon us.  As such, the Mute Swans are very busy building nests and laying eggs in them.  We passed a very busy pair of 'Mutes' this morning, on one of the quieter ponds of Straw's Bridge.  It was very peaceful there.  Pity the same couldn't be said about the main lake.  Here, the Mutes were posturing, sizing each other up and generally being rather belligerent about things.
In all, sixteen Mutes were vying for position on the lake, some doing rather better than others.  One particular, juvenile swan was seeming to have a pretty rough time of it by attracting the ire of most of the others, but I guess he'll 'find his feet' soon and establish himself in the hierarchy.  This magnificent specimen was among the 'top-brass' and he knew it too!
They are wonderful birds and always demand respect from the other birds on the lake - as well as those of us who like to stand and watch them.

1 comment:

  1. They are beautiful birds!
    Call me Allen-everyone else does. I'm not very good with introductions, I'm afraid.
