Thursday 4 April 2013


We didn't stay out for long this morning.  Cloudier than of late, the thermometer pointed to about 3 degrees, but the strong wind was making it feel much colder than that.  We set out quickly for Straw's Bridge.
The lake was almost covered with gulls.  Black-headed gulls, Lesser Black-backed gulls and two or three Common gulls.  All squabbling and all desperate for scraps of bread.  The Geese were squabbling, the Swans were squabbling and the Coots were squabbling.  It seems that the freezing wind was getting to everything.
The path under the bridge to the other lakes is still flooded, so when we set out for home, we diverted to take a look at the lake from another direction.  The Council have recently put up a couple of signs to warn us of the flood - this has to be the most pointless signage ever installed.
A little closer to home and we found a couple of Coltsfoot flowers opening their yellow blooms to the bitter wind.  In previous years, these flowers have been out at the beginning of March, but this year, the freezing weather has delayed their appearance by about a month.  Worth waiting for though.

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