Tuesday 19 March 2013

Looking back

It is with some affection, that I am having a look back this morning at this day in years gone by.  Last year we were experiencing gorgeous weather and warm sunshine as we strolled around Shipley Country Park.
Two years ago, the Blackthorn was flowering beautifully in the hedgerows and the Dog's Mercury was bursting through the leaf litter below as sunshine, again predominated.
Back in 2009, we were enjoying a trip up Curbar and Froggatt Edges and once again the weather was beautiful.
This year, we seem destined to be stuck under grey skies and cold temperatures for the foreseeable future.  And with no sign of things getting any better, the only ones who are happy with the situation are the utility companies as we are forced to keep the heating on!
Oh well, I suppose things will improve eventually.....

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