Friday 8 March 2013


There are few words which describe the weather today, better than 'filthy'.  We were not expecting to get out at all today, but after lunch, the drizzle had eased a little so we decided to make the best of things and brave the elements.  Still cold and foggy, we set out for a short walk through Pewit Carr, Straw's Bridge and back home for a hot cup of tea.  The flooded woodland of the Carr, was even more dank, dark and mysterious than normal.
Strange, skeletal forms loomed in the mist and the constant dripping of water from the bare branches made a weird kind of music to accompany the scene.  Fungi clung to the rotting wood and all that was needed to complete the prehistoric scene, was a stray Brontosaurus lumbering through the undergrowth.
Pressing on further along the path, the mist closed in and the drizzle increased again making things very dreary and wet.  That cup of tea seemed a lot more inviting by now.

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