Tuesday 12 March 2013


The weather has been absolutely awful.  On Sunday we went over to King's Lynn to spend Mother's Day with our two 'old dears' and the wind was biting to say the least.  Yesterday we had snow showers of varying intensity for most of the day and the thermometer didn't struggle much above freezing all day.
This morning, we woke to blue skies and a light dusting of snow everywhere.  It's still bitterly cold, but the sunshine makes things feel a little better.  Despite all of this, the small clump of miniature daffodils in our back garden (always known as "Dad's Daffs" as they were given to us by a friend when my father died) are opening their flowers bravely.
First thing this morning they were looking very sad as their heads drooped in the frost, but as you can see, they have cheered up considerably.  At least they're a little colour in the bitter and very un-March-like weather.

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