Thursday 7 February 2013


With a scientific name (Galanthus) coming from the Greek for 'Milk Flower', the word Snowdrop seems rather more appropriate, especially when the weather is as chilly as it was this morning.  But, it's that time of year again, when the woodland around Shipley Hill is beginning to carpet itself and brighten with the appearance of these delicate little flowers.
So far, the flowers are remaining closed and dangling from their grey-green stems like small, white light-bulbs catching the breeze and nodding among the dead leaves.  There can be few more 'English' sights than the appearance of the Snowdrops each year, but they are in fact not native.  It is thought that they probably come from  Eastern Europe and were introduced to Britain in the sixteenth century.  Be that as it may, they are still a wonderful sight and we look forward to seeing them all opening their flowers in the next few days.

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