Wednesday 30 January 2013


Along the South-western coast of Lanzarote, the road snakes its way through the inhospitable lava landscape, taking in some wonderful views to the sea one side and the volcanic, inland areas.  One particularly beautiful spot is known as Los Hervideros or the 'Boiling Pots'.  The coastline here is spectacular.
The cliffs of solidified lava are pitted and cut through by the action of the waves, creating lots of coves and gaps which form 'blow-holes' through which sea spray is forced upward into your face if you look over the edge.
Small 'balconies' have been built into the rocks to provide the visitor with safe viewing platforms set among the jagged lava tunnels and rocky cliffs.  It's all rather beautiful.
Looking inland, across the rough lava landscape, the eye is caught by the red bulk of another volcanic ash-cone.  This one is known as MontaƱa Bermeja.  Altogether, quite a wonderful part of the island to visit.

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