Tuesday 1 January 2013

A Good Start

Well, following an evening seeing the New Year in with a smile and a 'tincture', this morning we woke to blue skies and a beautiful day.  So it was out and about to welcome the new year with a stroll around Straw's Bridge.  On the way we encountered a flock of about 40 Waxwings in the tree tops.
Despite being a good way off, a convenient tree trunk helped to hold the camera still and with the camera zoomed in, I managed to get a few decent shots.
With the sun shining on the birds and a darkening sky behind them, they looked wonderful and made a wonderful start to the day and the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Opened to front door yesterday and 40-50 Waxwings were on the tv aerial across the road. Another 20+ there today. I wonder if these are the same ones as I only live across the road from Straws?
