Tuesday 11 December 2012


It was a joy to be out this morning.  Although it was bitterly cold (still well below freezing), the sun was shining and the sky was blue.  Then, to top it all, we discovered a small flock of about twenty Waxwings flitting about in the Hawthorns.
In the sun, the red, wax-like tips to their wings were visible as were the bright yellow ends to their tails.  Combined with the 'foxy-red' face and under-tails, these are spectacular birds and so much better when seen in good light.  If only they would come a little nearer!
A little while later and we were treated to the sight of a skein of just over one hundred Pink-Footed Geese making quite a noise as they headed North-Eastward.
Away in the distance, we could see them as they seemed to be joining up with another skein about the same size.  Probably looking for a field with freshly-cut brassica stalks to feed on.  Looking carefully in the picture above you can also see a plane in the top left-hand corner, which sneaked into the view.  I think it was a Thomas Cook flight from Manchester to Turkey.  It seems everything was flying this morning!

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