Tuesday 13 November 2012

Tufts and Hill-Tops

Our walk this morning took us along the Nutbrook Trail towards Mapperley Village.  Passing through the surrounding farmland, we had some more beautiful views of Shipley Hill in it's Autumn finery.  I know I keep banging on about how wonderful the colours have been this year, but when faced with such beauty, I think a little 'gushing' is more than excusable.
There are also at least 11 Black-headed Gulls in the picture above swirling about above the fields, some more easily spotted than others.
The elusive Tufted Duck which proved so tricky to photograph the other day, was still rather camera shy this morning as we passed Mapperley reservoir.  I just manged to snap one shot before he dived beneath the surface and swam away.
His glorious white sides seemed to glow against the dull, grey water as his keen, yellow eye kept a close watch on me waving my camera at him.  Better luck next time - perhaps!

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