Wednesday 7 November 2012

Over The Hill

Malcolm and I had a wonderful walk this morning which took us up and over Shipley Hill, down the other side towards Mapperley Reservoir and the village, before returning via Slack Lane.  The sun was shining as we made our way up the hill which made for a lovely view of Nottingham Lodge with a blue sky and golden leaves behind it.
From our return journey along Slack Lane, the view of the whole hill was stunning as the sunlight picked up the gold and red of the Autumn trees, still holding on to their colour despite a stiff breeze.
Not everyone was interested in the view however.  A small flock of Jacob Sheep, grazing in a nearby field, were to say the least, unimpressed as they kept their heads down, nibbling the grass.
Oh well!  Can't win 'em all I suppose.

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