Thursday 22 November 2012

Out Again

What a relief, after a few days of being unable to get out and about, to get out for a walk again this morning. The weather was threatening to ruin our plans once more, but it did stay dry long enough for us to get a walk round Straw's Bridge.  The trees were blowing about in the strong wind and the leaves have all but gone now.  after yesterday's heavy rain, the brook was full and flowing very fast and the well-filled lakes were being whipped up by the gusty wind.  a rather miserable looking Heron was standing huddled against the elements across the lake here.
On to 'Swan Lake' and the skies were getting ever darker.  Here too, the water's surface was being disturbed into small waves by the wind.
The arrival of a bread bag brought the gulls, ducks, geese and swans across to the car park, all looking for a quick meal.  The gulls seemed to be doing better than anything else!
With the sky getting darker by the minute, we thought it best to turn our toes toward home, but at least we had the 'cobwebs' blown away this morning.

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