Sunday 14 October 2012

St. Jaume

Another walk into the old town of Alcudia, took us round the Roman Catholic church of St. Jaume.  The original church was built on the site around 1302 on land given over for the cause, by King Jaume II.
Following a complete collapse in 1870, it was reconstructed in the neo-gothic style from 1882.  Reconsecration took place on July 25th 1893.  The statue of St. Jaume (James) above the entrance was the work of sculptor Menígia Caubet.
The great rose window was designed by Alcudian artist Llorenç Ferrer Martí.  Cool and shady seating areas around the church, provided us with a quiet moment to rest our feet before we walked back.  Time for a picture of Malcolm too!

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