Thursday 25 October 2012


I am unashamedly posting lots of photos of the Autumn colour these days and this morning's walk around Shipley Lake, Shipley Hill and Osborne's Pond, revealed yet more of these vibrant hues.  Starting with a look along the path which skirts the lake and looking up to the reddening Beeches on the hill.
At the Nottingham Lodge on top of Shipley Hill, a small cut-leaved Acer immediately caught the eye, glowing deep pink among its neighbours.
Further along on our return from Osborne's Pond, we reached the section known as Dog Kennel Coppice and a magnificent Beech Tree turning deep red and gold.
Back up to Pit Lane and another member of the Acer family provided the Scarlet of today's title.  The colour, shining so bright, it confused my camera's auto setting into thinking it was looking at a sunset.  But, it was just as beautiful as any sunset ever was.

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