Saturday 20 October 2012


Just a few 'odds and ends' this morning as we had no walk in the park, rather a fraught and hot-under-the-collar visit to Tesco.
Starting with a Great Spotted Woodpecker, which was being rather vocal on an electricity wire yesterday morning as we passed.
Close by the woodpecker, a field of tall grass, has recently been inhabited by a small herd of six Highland Cattle.  Looking fearsome with their long and sharp horns, they seem not to care at all about anything going on about them and stare into the distance, chewing the cud and occasionally giving the passer-by, a superior look.
Lastly for today, a rather more noisy and fractious local inhabitant.  The lakes of Straw's Bridge are populated by Black-headed Gulls and their squawking and squabbling is a constant accompaniment to the otherwise calm scene.

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