Wednesday 19 September 2012


Remember my post of 9th September, about the Long-winged Conehead?  Well, as I mentioned, I passed on my sighting to the website and had a reply from them, thanking me for the report, confirming my identification and to tell me it was only the second sighting ever in this area!
It turns out that the effects of global warming are being calculated and studied by the spread of creatures such as 'my' Conehead and we are, as I said at the time, close to the Northern edge of this spread.  With this in mind, we may well see more of these impressive insects in the future.
Looking again at, it would seem that a report of another Long-winged Conehead, was sent in, by another 'insect spotter' at 'Straw's Bridge' on 12th September and there has been a report of one at Warton Crag in Lancashire.  So, it would seem that the spread northwards continues.

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