Friday 28 September 2012


No new pictures this morning as we had some shopping to do.  So no country walk today.  Instead, I have a new toy!
I have been thinking of upgrading my camera for some time, so this morning I have taken the plunge and bought a smart, new machine with a much better zoom and lots of 'bells and whistles'.
As always, these things take some time to get used to and having downloaded the user manual from the Samsung website (you never get a user's booklet in the box any more), it looks like I have a lot of reading to do.  Hopefully, there will some pictures tomorrow, so stay tuned...!


Have had a quick 'go' with the camera and am already impressed with the results.  Taken through the window, this House Sparrow seems to be impressed too.  The picture has been reduced in size to make a more manageable file size.
So far, so good.

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