Monday 6 August 2012


Just a couple of pictures from a previous walk this morning.  Last Friday, Malcolm had to go into town, so I walked alone along Slack Lane towards Mapperley, then turned down towards the Reservoir.
Large numbers of Canada Geese were to be found swimming about in the shadow of the overhanging trees and picking around the Yellow Water Lilies which grow there.  Further out on the water was a family of Great Crested Grebes.  The single youngster was making his presence felt by keeping up a constant 'squeeking', begging for food.  The parents must have been starting to get a bit fed up with the demands he was making on them, but they were being dutiful and diligent.  Pity one can't say the same about some of the human parents to be seen mindlessly obeying every demand of their horrendous children in Tesco this morning!  But, it's best if I don't start 'down that road'.

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