Friday 10 August 2012


Another beautiful morning today, so we set out for a walk around Shipley Lake, along towards Osbourne's Pond before returning across the grassy meadows, up Shipley Hill and back round the lake.  Where the main lake overflows into a smaller and far more secluded lake, one stands on what was once a bridge, looking down at the water.   A few weeks ago this was the scene of gushing torrents filling the smaller lake.  Today, it was back to a small trickle and the water level had dropped appreciably.  Seen here from the 'bridge', water weeds are beginning to take over.
The good thing about the drop in water level, is that you can now, once again get down to the water's edge in the trees at the far end of the lake.  From here, closer to the water and in the cool shadows of the trees and in calm tranquillity, it was truly beautiful.  Reflections of the surrounding trees were as bright as the trees themselves.  No time to tarry, as coffee was beckoning.

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