Tuesday 24 July 2012

Blue Skies

After a few days of not getting out for a walk, it was nice to once more be able to walk out in the beautiful sunshine for a walk around Shipley Park and the Reservoir at Mapperley.  Most unusually for this Summer, there wasn't a cloud in the sky and the temperatures were climbing into the high 20's.  Despite the few warm and dry days, it was surprising how wet some of the paths were.  Walking through Mapperley Wood, we wondered if we should have worn wellingtons, out in the open the scene was just glorious.
The grasses, which in previous years would have been mown by this time, have been allowed to ripen and set seed along with all the wild flowers growing among them.  The result is a wonderful meadow, turning golden like a field of ripening wheat.  Oh, and just as I snapped the next shot, a brown butterfly wanted to get in on the action too!
The reservoir too was peaceful and beautiful.  It was quiet too - surprising for the school holidays!  Even the lone Mallard - a male in eclipse plumage - was floating around at peace with the world, seemingly enjoying the reflections.  More tomorrow I think.

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