Friday 22 June 2012

Flaming June!

This morning, we are, yet again faced with a wet, miserable day.  Temperatures are about 10 degrees below where we would ordinarily expect them to be and things don't look like changing for the better any time soon.  Flaming June indeed!
But are we downhearted?  Not really, we still have lots of pictures taken on previous, warmer days.  Starting today with what we hope is a promise of better to come, the flowers on the Blackberry Bushes.
A very common member of the Rose family, these will be brightening up the hedgerows all over Britain right now.  Hopefully, with all the rain we're getting, when they start to produce fruit, they will be numerous, large and juicy.  Just right to fill the freezer again!
Around these hedgerows there are also 'proper' Roses.  Dog Rose and Shrub Roses are adding their colour and scent despite the dreadful weather.
Some a little pinker than others, would surely grace any garden.

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