Friday 4 May 2012


Even colder than yesterday, it nevertheless stayed dry for our short walk around Straw's Bridge once more this morning.  There are still many flowers to be found in full bloom and a walk through Pewit Carr revealed lots of clumps of Bluebells, but with a difference.  For some reason, the Bluebells in the woods here, all seem to be flowering white!
A little further on, we found a few more clumps of white flowers, spilling from a neighbouring garden.  They are Three-cornered Leeks (Allium triquetrum).  Native to South-Western parts of Europe, these members of the Onion family, are beginning to colonise Britain rather like our own, native Wild Garlic.  They appear to be a welcome addition to the countryside with their large, white, bell-shaped flowers.
One last white flower for today and one which is abundant at the moment in the path-side scrub.  White Deadnettle (Lamium album).  Not related to Stinging Nettles, they are actually members of the Mint family and therefore more closely related to Lavender and (if you can believe such a thing) the tropical hardwood, Teak..!  Though you couldn't make fancy garden furniture out of this much overlooked little wonder.

1 comment:

  1. Great article - Thanks for information about these great plants
