Wednesday 23 May 2012


Another hot day today, so we set out for a walk to Mapperley Village, then round the Reservoir.  We sat for a while in the shade with a coffee from the flask before returning through Mapperley Wood to see the last of this year's Bluebells.  Sitting on a bench beneath the trees with a coffee in hand, it was just perfect.  Hundreds of birds sang to us as we sat there - as well as the usual squabbling pair of Coots.
Turning our steps for home, we passed a few farmer's fields and one caught my eye for it's linear pattern of new-mown hay.
Some of the Acer Trees had lots of furry, black moths with very long antennae.  When they settled and you got a better look, they were very far from black.  Their wings shone with a metallic greenish bronze colour.  The ones with the long antennae were males after the shorter antennae'd females.  They have the rather tongue-twisting name "Adela reaumurella".

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