Friday 27 April 2012

Spring Flowers

Spring had sprung in Benidorm - more than it has here - and the flowers were beginning to make things look colourful. Around the Torre del Moro, the verges and cliffs were showing their best, clothed with the purple of Lavandula dentata, the yellow of Rush-like Scorpion Vetch (Coronilla juncea) and the white of the Teucrium pseudochamaepitys.  You might also catch the distant sight of Malcolm in this picture...
Among the 'Bluest' of flowers in the area were the Viper's Bugloss (Echium plantagineum).  A small plant with spiky leaves and stems, but with beautiful flowers.
A member of the cabbage family caught my eye too, the purple flowers of the Cut-leaved Dames Violet (Hesperis laciniata).
Among the biggest flowers are those belonging to the Grey-leaved Cistus which are opening all over the sunny slopes of the area.  Looking like tissue paper, they are pink and crinkly, but rather gorgeous and showy.

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