Tuesday 3 April 2012


with the promise of rather more nasty weather for the next few days, we decided to take another walk around Mapperley Reservoir this morning, before it becomes too muddy to enjoy.  So, it was out along Slack Lane, through Mapperley Wood, round the reservoir before returning through the village and back along Slack Lane. While passing the Highland Cattle's enclosure, my attention was caught by a Buzzard which flew across the path, down the field and settled on a fence post some way off.  Too far to get a good photo, I nevertheless persevered and got a couple of distant shots.
The bird seemed to be eating something on it's perch, but I couldn't make out what from this distance.  Whatever it was, the Buzzard was enjoying it.
Too cloudy for many picture opportunities this morning, so a couple more from our walk around Shipley Hill in the sunshine the other day.  The trees and shrubs are beginning to blossom well, among them was one Rhododendron close to the Derby Lodge.
The pale pink flowers were standing out brilliantly in the dappled shade of the woodland and were nice to see this early in the year.

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