Thursday 22 March 2012

Watch it!

The early morning sunshine was catching our garden hyacinths this morning as we had breakfast.  The blue, white and pink flowers really caught my eye, so I thought we might have a picture or two.
The warmth of the sun was also having it's effect on the flowers and the heady fragrance was very powerful as I crawled about the lawn trying to getting a good angle.
You can often feel a little self-conscious when taking photos.  Particularly when having to crouch about to get the right shot.  But this morning, while in this uncomfortable position, I definitely felt I was being watched!  Looking up, I saw why.  Oscar, our neighbour's cat, was perched high on top of the fence looking down at me with a look which spoke volumes and did little for my confidence.  If cats could talk, I can only assume Oscar would have raised his eyes, tutted loudly and shook his head in amazement at my actions.
Well, that's me put firmly in my place - and it was only 9.30am!

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