Tuesday 6 March 2012

Signs of Spring

The title for today was suggested by Malcolm as we walked around the Lakes of Straw's Bridge this morning.  A glorious morning with bright sunshine and beautiful, blue skies and the air filled with birdsong, there can be no better title.  Blackthorn blossom is beginning to cover the bare branches and against the blue sky, it looked fantastic.
Although it was still rather chilly after a cold night, the sun soon warmed us as we took in the floral spectacle.
Further round our walk we came to the main lake of Straw's Bridge and got a closer look at these delicate little flowers.  Bright yellow anthers tip the stamens and stand out from the bright, white petals.  Simple, but beautiful.
Also looking good against the blue of the sky, the Willow buds are beginning to burst into a soft, woolly show of Spring loveliness.

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