Saturday 10 March 2012


It was supposed to be nice today, but we set out for a walk this morning as the drizzle was just stopping and the skies were starting to brighten.  It remained very dull and overcast as we made our way around Straw's Bridge and home again through Peewit Carr.  Not many photo opportunities either, so for toady, here are a couple more from our walk to Osborne's Pond the other day.
Almost as Grey a day as this morning has turned out to be, the perspective in this picture helps to give a little depth from the 'jetty' sticking out from the dam.
Further on and the climb up the hill gives another chance to get to grips with perspective.  This time, the wooden rail which acts as a boundary between road and field gives the depth as it disappears into the distance.
At least by that time, the sky was staring to clear and a little blue was colouring the scene.  No such luck today!

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