Saturday 4 February 2012

Very Frosty

It was still bitterly cold as Malcolm and I set out for our walk this morning.  The thermometer's sensor in our porch had dipped below -8C a couple of hours earlier and it was still well below freezing, so we decided it would be good to take a walk through and around the farmland and the colliery walk.  at this time of year, the terrain is often far too muddy to make walking here possible, but the frost certainly saw to that and hardened our tread.  The landscape looked as cold as it felt.
Only the very dry atmosphere prevented there being even more white frost covering everything.  Even so, the distant line of trees took on a white, frigid glow as the morning sunlight caught the ice crystals.
Bare Oak trees line the farm lane and added to the bitter scene.
Back home for a hot coffee and a warming and 'medicinal' Brandy - to help stave off the cold you understand..!

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