Saturday 11 February 2012


Last night was the coldest so far this winter.  The thermometer in our porch fell to -9C and it certainly looked and felt like it first thing when I peered out of the window.  Stepping out a while later, the sun was up, the sky was brilliant blue and it was a beautiful morning for a walk around the lakes of Straw's Bridge.  Swan lake itself is still almost completely frozen over, with just the smallest area of free water kept fluid by the hundreds of ducks, geese, swans and gulls milling around in it.  The surroundings however are still deep frozen.
The Mute Swans were as desperate for food as the rest of the wildfowl on the lake.  Every car which pulled up in the car park, was instantly besieged by the swans, searching for a bread bag.
This handsome chap was being uncharacteristically calm as he waited for food and posed in the sunshine for a few pictures.  The stunning white of his plumage, set against the white of the snow makes for quite a picture.

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