Tuesday 10 January 2012


You might have been forgiven for thinking there was more than a touch of Spring in the air this morning.  Malcolm and I set out for a walk through the newly named Woodside Nature Reserve, up and around Shipley Hill.  There has been a rumour of a Goshawk having been seen in the woods hereabouts, so we kept an eye open for that - without success unfortunately, but our walk in the woods with the sun shining and the temperature climbing was well worth it.
The birds were singing like a Spring day too.  Blue Tits, Great Tits, Long-tailed Tits were flitting through the bare branches looking for lunch.  The trees were also alive with squabbling squirrels.  It seemed everything was in the Spring mood.  There was even a small clump of Snowdrops in full flower - very early.
I even managed to capture a picture that most elusive woodland creature, Malcolm!

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