Friday 2 December 2011

White Front

The day before yesterday, there was talk of a small group of White Fronted Geese (actually 4 of them), seen on Shipley Lake.  With this in mind, Malcolm and I set out this morning with binoculars in hand to see if we could spot them.  Ever optimistic that they would still be there.  Ordinarily there would be lots of Canada Geese swimming about on the lake and sometimes a few Greylags too, but this morning, not a single goose to be seen!  Not so much as a Canada Goose.  Plenty of Wigeon, Gadwall, Mallard, Mute Swans, Cormorants, Gulls, etc.  But not one Goose.  Typical!
Turning for home a little disappointed, we were nevertheless impressed by the cloud formations as the sun struggled to break through.
There's not much warmth to be got from the sun at this time of year and it always seems to be 'in your eyes' being so low in the sky, but it's still nice to see.  Home for a hot coffee I think.....

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