Friday 23 December 2011

Waxing on

A day for reflection today.  We were to have a walk with our friend Kay this morning, but before we got out, it started to rain and it has hardly stopped all day.  So it's a perfect time for looking back at the blog for last year at this time.  The temperature was a good ten degrees colder then and we were still in the clutches of the 'big chill'.  As a result, we were experiencing a 'Waxwing Winter'.
This year, not a single Waxwing to be seen.  Clearly, they're staying put in their northern European homelands rather than flying all this way.
But, what wonderful birds they are and how privileged we were to see them this time last year.
On a more festive note, excitement is setting in (in me anyway, Malcolm's still not exactly full of 'Ho-Ho-Ho') and as there are only a couple of days left until the big day, here's a joyous little Santa...

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