Thursday 17 November 2011


Following our trip yesterday to King's Lynn to visit my mother and having dropped Malcolm's mother off at the airport for her holiday, we were once again out and about on Shipley Park this morning.  The sun came through and it was very pleasant as we strolled around Shipley Lake soaking up the sunshine.  Back home and my attention was caught by a low-flying aircraft over our house.  Clearly on an approach to East Midlands Airport, it seemed to be a big transport plane, but as it kept flying into a few patches of cloud, it was tricky to see what it was exactly.  I managed to get one 'shot' of it before it disappeared again and, looking at the picture in more detail, it turns out to be a Russian Cargo plane.
The plane itself is an Ilyushin Il-76 and looking at it's details on, it is one of three such Ilyushins of Volga-Dnepr Airlines.  More details and some more photos of this plane can be seen by clicking  HERE.  It's amazing what you can find out on the net!

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