Thursday 3 November 2011


Shopping this morning, so no walk for us.  Instead, a picture from our walk a few days ago.  On our way home  again, we saw a Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) flying along before us.  as we got closer, it tired of flying and decided to perch on a wire to keep watch for his lunch in the grass below.
This was a male bird as can be seen by the rich, chestnut colouring on its back, the female is less well coloured.  Kestrels, used to be Britain's most common bird of prey, but that title has recently been taken by the Common Buzzard.  Kestrels remain very common however and are probably most well known for their habit of hovering along motorway verges, facing into the wind, keeping their heads absolutely still, searching for prey.  Their diet consists mainly of small mammals, but they will also take birds and, more rarely, bats, lizards and amphibians.

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