Saturday 12 November 2011


What a relief!  This morning, as we started our walk towards the lakes of Straw's Bridge, the sun came out.  We were convinced that it was still there, but it seems to have been so long since we've seen it, that we began to wonder.  But, there it was and we were not the only ones to enjoy its watery warmth.  The Mallards on 'Swan Lake' were positively reveling in it.  Many were preening vigorously and splashing with wild abandon, cleaning their newly emerged, autumn plumage.
The bright blue in these drakes' wings and the rich, reddish breast gleamed in the sunshine.
Nothing was going to deter this particular drake from his ablutions.  Every feather had to be sorted out, cleaned, polished and then put back in it's correct place.
A joy to watch.
Made me wish I'd spent longer in the shower this morning!

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