Thursday 6 October 2011


The weather forecast said it would be dull and showery today, so of course, it was a beautiful, sunny and clear (though very windy) morning as we set out for a short walk after we'd completed our household chores.  The reservoirs around here are still drying out rapidly and a look at Shipley Lake (often now referred to as 'Shipley Lagoon', I notice), shows this well.  The swans on the lake didn't seem to notice the falling water levels.  There is even a lone Gadwall (Anas strepera) in the picture.  Can you spot it?
There is a smaller lake attached to the main one via a tunnel under the footpath where once a decorative bridge straddled the water with a boathouse nearby for the residents of the Hall.  Today, with the water levels low, there seems to be a quantity of rubbish exposed in the mud, still, this is Britain so what can you expect?  We seem to be slowly drowning under a sea of rubbish in this country, dropped by the ever-expanding number of human rubbish, hell-bent on ruining everything - I'm starting to rant again..!

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