Friday 28 October 2011

More flowers

A few more flowers today.  No trip to Southern Europe is complete without enjoying the ever-present Oleanders (Nerium oleander).  As poisonous as it is beautiful, this large shrub comes in pink and white varieties with single and double flowered forms.  This is a double pink.
Recently however, extracts from the Oleander have been investigated as a possible cure for some form of cancer as well as some skin conditions.
Another pink flower found everywhere around the area were the Pink Trumpet Vine (Podranea ricasoliana).  Also called Port St. John's Creeper, it is a native of South America and parts of Africa.  Related to the Jacarandas we saw in Madeira and the Indian Bean Trees which we sometimes see in our parks and gardens, they make a great show in the gardens of Southern Europe.

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