Friday 30 September 2011

Hot and Bothered

Malcolm and I returned from our walk this morning rather warm (to say the least) and needing our coffee.  It was hot!  we took in the reservoir at Mapperley again, partly to see if the water level had fallen further - it has - but also because with the onset of winter, you never know how many more times we will be able to walk that path without getting mud everywhere.  Looking out across what water is left, it was beautiful.
We stood for a while, watching a young Great-crested Grebe dive for fish.  It caught one and was immediately bothered by a couple of Black-headed Gulls.  Eventually one of the gulls managed to wrestle the fish away from the poor Grebe, which then had to get back to diving for more while gull settled in a nearby tree waiting to 'mug' him again.
Turning home we had some good views across the fields towards Shipley Hill, looking good in it's golden, Autumn colours.