Wednesday 21 September 2011


As we approach the Autumnal equinox - this year actually occurring on 23rd September, the landscape hereabouts is beginning to look the part.  My solitary walk this morning (more of that in a moment), took me across golden fields of drying grasses.
Then, having slipped my way through the muddy paths of the woodland on the right of the picture above, I got a good view across more Autumn fields, up Shipley Hill towards the turning leaves of the trees on top.
Skirting the woodland around the hilltop, I looked over towards the village of Mapperley.
Emerging on the other side of the hill, the scene across the lake was equally Autumnal.  The Poplars, taking on a golden hue, adding highlights to the view.
Returning home, I passed a good many Maple trees with their leaves turning redder than anything else in the area.  Beautiful!
Back home to find Malcolm had had a trying experience at the doctor's.  He had gone for the second of his steroid injections into his shoulder.  Unfortunately, things didn't go too well.  As the doctor inserted the needle, the syringe exploded cascading steroid fluid down Malcolm's arm.  Amid apologies from the doctor and an assurance that it had never happened before (not much comfort to know that), Malcolm had to have another shot and a good deal more pain too.  As you can imagine, he's not looking forward to having to have a third 'jab'.

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