Friday 16 September 2011


Just a few weeks ago, I reported on our walk around Mapperley Reservoir (see HERE).  At that time, the water level, although not at it's highest, was about right and large Carp were to be seen swimming in the murky waters at the North-Western end of the reservoir.  This morning, we walked this way again and were shocked to see how low the water had fallen.
At least 8ft of exposed mud now surrounds the reservoir and the reeds which are normally standing in a couple of feet of water, are now high and dry.  The mud is strewn with empty shells of Swan Mussels which have been caught out of water, but the biggest shock came when we reached the Northern end...
... It has completely dried up.  Where a few weeks ago carp swam, all is now drying mud and green slime.  At that time, we stood and watched a Kingfisher going about it's daily business here.  No chance of that today.
We have to wonder if the dramatic loss of water has anything to do with the ongoing and ever-increasing opencast mining which is happening close by.  Has that caused the streams, which once supplied the reservoir, to dry up?  Something certainly has been the cause of it.  Has The local water authority been drawing the water from the reservoir for some reason?  We may never know, but if we do know that if things don't alter soon, there will be nothing left!

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