Tuesday 13 September 2011


This morning, Malcolm and I set off for a walk up Shipley Hill.  It's been a while since we headed that way, so we thought we would rectify the situation.  Our way was strewn with debris from the recent high winds.  Twigs, leaves and berries of all shapes and sizes lined the pathways.  Happily, there were still an enormous number of berries clinging to the bushes. These Guelder-rose berries looked redder than red in the sunshine.  I hadn't noticed the Ladybird at the time.
If there is any truth in the thought that the number of Autumn berries is indicative of a harsh winter ahead, we should be in for a 'stinker' again, looking at the Pyracantha bushes.
The Holly trees around the old hall site atop Shipley Hill, were also laden.
But, in my humble opinion, few berries can rival the redness or the attractive juicy appearance of the Yew and here again, the trees were heavy with fruit - all those which hadn't been blown off the boughs.

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