Friday 19 August 2011


A gorgeous day for a walk today.  The few clouds made the sunshine a little hazy but it was warm and beautiful.  Unfortunately, I was a solitary walker this morning as Malcolm had an appointment with the doctor (more of which, later).  So, I set off around Shipley Hill and decided to walk around the bottom of the hill today rather than going up and over.  The views are quite good even from lower down the hill.  Here, looking towards the village of Mapperley.
Carrying on around the hill took me through the woodland and out onto the path down towards the village itself.  The village once played it's part in keeping the 'riff-raff' away from the Shipley Hall and in the next picture, the two old gate-house lodges can still be seen shining white in the sunshine.  There once was a gate across the road between the two lodges ensuring no-one got through who shouldn't.
Returning home through the village and along Slack Lane, I crossed the farmland towards one of the crossings of the old Nutbrook Canal.  At this point there was once a lock gate, but now there is just a rickety bridge and a - rapidly drying - ditch full of Reedmace, Water Forget-me-not and Water Mint.
There is still just enough water to keep these wetland plants growing.
Back home to find Malcolm had got home before me.  Following his visit to the doctor with a painful shoulder, he has been diagnosed as having something with a long name, had the first of three steroid injections (ouch!) and been told to rest his arm completely for three days.  Poor old soul!  As proof, he even has a small plaster covering the injection hole....
Ouch, Ouch, ooohh and ouch again!

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