Thursday 14 July 2011

View too

A couple more general views today.  Walking out this morning in the sunshine, we ventured onto the raised ground behind the local golf course to look back toward the whole of Shipley Park.  The eagle-eyed among you will notice Shipey Hill, where we were yesterday, in the far distance on the extreme right of this panorama.  The lake in the middle is the Manor Floods.  Click the pic to get the larger version.
The second panorama takes in one of the smaller lakes which make up the complex of lakes and water-ways which make up the Straw's Bridge area.  This one is fed from several water-ways including the Nutbrook and the Nutbrook Canal.  It has no clearly defined edges on the far side as it disappears into Pewit Carr and is swallowed up by reeds, Alder trees and boggy ground.  There is usually a Grey Heron standing, patiently waiting for a fish, somewhere around this lake, but not today.

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