Tuesday 19 July 2011


It has been a wet and windy weekend and the wet theme seems to be continuing into the week.  This morning, we set out for a walk along the footpaths of Shipley Park with rain-wear in hand - just in case.  Good job we did too, as it wasn't too long before the clouds gathered, the skies darkened and the rain fell.  We were joined, sheltering under an old railway bridge by a woman with her puppy.  The woman didn't mind the rain, but the puppy was not happy... Bless!  The changeable weather did provide some good skies and dramatic clouds.
When the rain subsided, it was time to leave the shelter of the bridge and strike out for home once again for a medicinal tot of Brandy with our coffee - well, one doesn't want to catch one's death, does one..?

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