Sunday 5 June 2011

Odds and Ends

Only a short walk this morning, as we needed a little shopping more than we needed a long walk.  So, a few 'odds and ends' pictures from some earlier walks.  Starting with the Pyracantha flowers which are covering the bushes in our garden and the hedgerows of Shipley Park at the moment.  There are so many of them, that their individual diminutive size doesn't matter at all.  They're stunning.
The Meadows are equally full of flowers too.  The Plantains and Buttercups are being joined by the Spotted Orchids to add even more colour.  The grasses are growing so tall now, that in some places it's becoming tricky to see over them.
Getting down a little lower, you get a 'fox-eye- view of the meadows and from closer-up, they are like a flowering forest.

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