Wednesday 22 June 2011


We didn't hold out much hope of a good walk this morning because the skies were threatening and a few light showers fell on us.  But having been caught in a couple of these, the sky cleared a bit and we pressed on to walk around Shipley Hill.  The wild-flower meadow which we crossed as we climbed the hill, was full to bursting with flowers.  Most of these seemed to be members of the pea family...
... White Clover, Red Clover, Birds-foot Trefoil, Tufted Vetch to name but four.  Also adding their colour were Common Sorrel, Buttercups and many species of grass.  Here is a larger picture of the meadow.  Click it for the full-size version.


  1. Hello Stephen,

    please excuse my non-perfect english.
    Looking for a nice clover meadow picture, a came across your blog and that beautiful meadow.
    I'd really like to use that photo as a background image for a little website about a local building area named 'Kleewiesen' (clover meadow).
    Please take a look at, if you like. I would really be happy if you permitted me using your photo. Of course I would gladly add a reference to your blog.
    If you don't like what you see there, I will at once remove your material from that place.

    I'm very curious about your answer :)

    Yours sincerely
    Stephan Wilken

  2. Hello Stephan.

    Very happy for you to use the picture on your website. Please do add a reference to my blog if you would be so kind.
    Glad you like the picture.
    Kind regards.
