Monday 16 May 2011

Last of Monte

Leaving the church behind, we walked around the side and through the gardens to look over the village square.  Beautifully situated with views over the valley and sweeping down to Funchal.
Cool and shady under the trees, there was another shrine set into the side of the cliff to our Lady of Monte and a spring issuing water, lit by candles.
Time to start heading back down the hill.  But first, there was time to walk through the gardens and admire the  greenery and the flowers.
Bridges and walls crossed the valley, seemingly holding up the village above.
Out of the trees and off down the streets again for our 4 mile trudge home.  Easier going downhill, but harder on the knees and feet.  By the way, I'm told by Malcolm that the priest I referred to yesterday, was not singing the German National Anthem, but a well-known hymn (in German) with the same tune.  So it would seem that  Deutschland was not über alles after all.

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