Friday 1 April 2011


Around the old volcanic plug of Arthur's Seat, lies the green space known as Holyrood Park.  The area has been known as Queen's Park and also King's Park in times gone by and was created as a royal hunting park in the 12th century.  Part of the park is known as Dunsapie Hill and is the site of several prehistoric forts.  Dunsapie Fort occupies the hill and stands at about 476ft above sea level.  The information board says of the hill fort, that it is "... about 2000 years old.  Behind the crag, to the east are traces of a small farmstead connected to the fort by an outlying rampart..."
At the bottom of the hill is a small expanse of water known as Dunsapie Loch.  Popular with ducks, gulls, swans, crows, herons and tourists, it is a delightful sot on a fine day as it was when we were there.
Also to be found around this area were dozens of Jackdaws (Corvus monedula).  Making a lot of noise as they flitted about collecting twigs for their nests which they were building in holes in the stone walls.
They were all being kept very busy and seemed not to take much notice of us as we walked past, but they all had their beady, white eyes on us and flapped off if you got too close.

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